CNMI Permanent Housing Construction Program
Saipan & Tinian, Northern Marianas Islands
Completion Year
Federal Emergency Management Agency / APTIM
Community Disaster Recovery after Typhoon

Project Summary
In response to Category 5 Super Typhoon Yutu in October 2018, which caused extensive damage to Saipan and Tinian in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), FEMA allocated funds for permanent housing construction due to the severe shortage of dwellings.
Within 72 hours of activation, the SLS team initiated the repair and reconstruction of various residential structures for 35 eligible homeowners on Saipan and an additional five on Tinian. They efficiently shipped materials from Hawaii or California and provided FEMA-required construction training to the local workforce.
In total, 40 homes were built, all constructed to adhere to strict International Building Code standards, ensuring safe and resilient housing for CNMI residents.