FLNG Ground
Plant City, FL to Eagle Pass, TX
Completion Year
Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM)
Ground Transportation

Soldiers arrived at 4004 Airport Road, Plant City, FL on February 23, 2024. Point of Contact was Chief Wu with the Florida National Guard. SLS was able to give a quick brief on how to activate the $50 gift card. By 6 p.m. (EST), Mardia Ramos assisted with the distribution and sign off of FLNG receiving pre-paid gift cards. SLS and our catering subcontractor, Untouchables, also supported the mission by distributing lunch boxes and other refreshments. This task was completed by 6:35 p.m. (EST). By 7:17 p.m., (EST) the FLNG left on a charter bus with an 18-wheeler following with additional supplies. Bruce Roberts followed the charter bus until it reached Tallahassee.
Soldiers arrived at Base Camp Charlie in Eagle Pass, Texas on February 24, 2024 at 5:45 p.m., followed by the dry van carrying the soldier’s equipment. SLS greeted Staff Seargent Hardiman and instructed the soldiers where they will meet and had them sign off on the arrival sheet. Soldiers offloaded the bus with their items and proceeded to the instructed route. Chad Breckenridge of SLS assisted in the sign-off and made sure everyone was accounted for. Seargent Flores of FLNG did not want drinks and snacks as the bus arrived in time for dinner