Haiti NAVFAC Community Reconstruction
Hinche, Jeremie, Gonaives, & Abricot, Haiti
Completion Year
United States Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast
Facility & Infrastructure Construction

Project Summary
In January 2010, a catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake – one of the worst natural disasters in history – devastated Haiti, severely impacting the already impoverished country, especially remote rural villages and towns. The majority of infrastructure, buildings and homes were compromised or destroyed, leaving thousands of residents without viable sheltering and community facilities.
In response, NAVFAC-SE instituted a comprehensive community rebuilding initiative, with the mission of providing safe, updated facilities in impacted locations. SLS was engaged to execute the vertical construction of schoolhouses, medical clinics, community centers, fire stations, and emergency operations centers and warehouses in four villages. The new resilient structures provided relief and supported future community developmental growth and activities.
SLS provided innovative solutions against a background of geo-political tension and logistical challenges, performing all repairs utilizing SLS team members and local Haitian labor. The SLS team shipped equipment and supplies from the mainland U.S., rapidly rehabilitated structures to current building codes, and retrained the local workforce in mandated construction guidelines and methods.